TI-Sound 0.1
Ranked as 8590 on our all-time top downloads list with 5260 downloads. Ranked as 2509 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
tisound.tar.gz (Download)
TI-Sound 0.1
XMMS Plugin that plays audio formats found on TI Calulators. Currently only plays the CalcMOD formats, but will hopefully contain support for other formats in the future.
Paul Marks (pemarks@vt.edu)
Unix Utilities
File Size
220,329 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Jul 30 19:19:07 2001
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0 2001-07-24 15:37 tisound-0.1/
802 2001-07-21 22:05 tisound-0.1/configure.in
11717 2001-07-21 22:09 tisound-0.1/Makefile.in
72731 2001-07-21 22:09 tisound-0.1/configure
82 2001-07-24 15:36 tisound-0.1/TODO
19802 2001-07-21 21:49 tisound-0.1/config.sub
119088 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/libtool
1068 2001-07-24 15:36 tisound-0.1/README
239 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/config.h
8885 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/config.status
11951 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/Makefile
10 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/stamp-h.in
103 2001-07-21 22:03 tisound-0.1/Makefile.am
5549 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/acinclude.m4
24035 2001-07-21 22:09 tisound-0.1/aclocal.m4
105 2001-07-21 21:52 tisound-0.1/AUTHORS
385 2001-07-21 21:54 tisound-0.1/ChangeLog
24280 2001-07-21 21:39 tisound-0.1/config.guess
10 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/stamp-h
0 2001-07-24 15:34 tisound-0.1/src/
171 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/src/acconfig.h
5172 2001-07-21 21:41 tisound-0.1/src/calcmod.h
2614 2001-07-24 15:34 tisound-0.1/src/globals.h
2946 2001-07-21 16:55 tisound-0.1/src/gui.h
611 2001-07-24 15:34 tisound-0.1/src/prototypes.h
280 2001-07-21 14:32 tisound-0.1/src/tisound.h
876 2001-07-21 21:46 tisound-0.1/src/types.h
6188 2001-07-23 03:49 tisound-0.1/src/tisound.cpp
10377 2001-07-21 22:09 tisound-0.1/src/Makefile.in
223 2001-07-21 21:43 tisound-0.1/src/Makefile.am
10779 2001-07-21 22:16 tisound-0.1/src/Makefile
246104 2001-07-23 03:49 tisound-0.1/src/tisound.lo
165 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/config.h.in
91 2001-07-21 21:51 tisound-0.1/INSTALL
15131 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/COPYING
5584 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/install-sh
95851 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/ltconfig
110919 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/ltmain.sh
6274 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/missing
732 2001-07-21 21:35 tisound-0.1/mkinstalldirs