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EZAsm v1.0


Ranked as 1742 on our all-time top downloads list with 12155 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename ezasm.zip (Download)
Title EZAsm v1.0
Description EZAsm is a new innovative language for the 83 and 83+. It combines the structures and commands of TI-BASIC, C, and VB and compiles into z80 source code and 83/+ programs. Try it now!
Author Joel Seligstein (SOCCERK121@AOL.COM)
Category Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size 1,896,239 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jun 15 05:11:51 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


Review by  scott delaney
Reviewed on 2006-02-14
If you have ever tried to learn z80 assembly, you know that it can be very hard, unless you go to an actual class for it. Anyway, “EZAsm” is such an innovative tool, because it combines the ease of use of TI-BASIC, and the speed of 100% pure ASM. I will never program in basic again. Though some features could be improved on (maybe more commands). I hope the author makes more stable future versions (sometimes crashes calc).

Graphics: 5/10 there's no need for better graphics
Ease of installation/use: 9/10 installation is easy, and the language itself is far more easy to understand than z80.
Overall: 9/10 BASIC programmers should have downloaded this last week.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
setup132.ex_   68974
COMDLG32.OC_   74496
ctl3d32.dl_   15385
demo.ez_   597
demo2.ez_   628
Devpac83.co_   879
DEVPAC8X.CO_   854
ezasm.ex_   23834
EZASM.tx_   4564
ion.in_   3447
keys.in_   1015
MFC40.DL_   542331
msvcrt20.dl_   154559
msvcrt40.dl_   182994
olepro32.dl_   89457
SETUP.EXE   58880
SETUP.LST   7529
asm.ba_   423
ST4UNST.EX_   32993
stkit432.dl_   12439
TABCTL32.OC_   118781
Tasm.ex_   67894
TASM80.TA_   6610
TASMP.EX_   76699
VB40032.DL_   471787
ven2232.ol_   23683

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