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Ranked as 4438 on our all-time top downloads list with 7526 downloads.
Ranked as 231 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 31 downloads.

Filename sashi89.lha (Download)
Title Sashi89
Description TI89-Amiga link software
Author Olivier Croquette (ocroquette@free.fr)
Category Amiga Utilities
File Size 58,495 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jun 1 21:27:32 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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ID      SIZE  RATIO     STAMP           NAME
---- ------- ------ ------------ --------------------
        1636  52.7% May  8  2001 Sashi89.info
        4809  48.4% May  8  2001 Sashi89/Sashi89.readme
        1520  40.1% May  8  2001 Sashi89/Sashi89.readme.info
       33908  49.7% May  8  2001 Sashi89/Sashi89_par
        1161  67.5% May  8  2001 Sashi89/Sashi89_par.info
       33900  49.7% May  8  2001 Sashi89/Sashi89_ser
        1161  67.5% May  8  2001 Sashi89/Sashi89_ser.info
          88  92.0% May  6  2001 Sashi89/sources/config.h
        9746  27.0% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/hard.c
         425  48.9% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/hard.h
        1702  29.0% May  5  2001 Sashi89/sources/list.c
         463  31.1% May  5  2001 Sashi89/sources/list.h
         475  49.7% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/main.c
         772  36.8% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/Makefile.amiga
         878  37.1% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/Makefile.linux
       12562  28.3% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/mui_main.c
        6437  25.1% May  6  2001 Sashi89/sources/mui_tilist.c
        1164  36.9% May  6  2001 Sashi89/sources/mui_tilist.h
        2886  26.8% May  5  2001 Sashi89/sources/packet.c
         862  42.5% May  5  2001 Sashi89/sources/packet.h
       22382  25.3% May  8  2001 Sashi89/sources/protocol.c
        1169  44.2% May  6  2001 Sashi89/sources/protocol.h
        1989  38.3% May  5  2001 Sashi89/sources/timer.c
         452  46.9% May  5  2001 Sashi89/sources/timer.h
---- ------- ------ ------------ --------------------
iles  142547  40.2% May  9  2001

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