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SUPER Pac v1.5


Ranked as 1940 on our all-time top downloads list with 11391 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename superpac.zip (Download)
Title SUPER Pac v1.5
Description A Pac-Man clone where you have to eat the dots and squares to get lots of points. In order to beat the game you have to pass all 10 levels, which is no easy task. It takes lots of skill and a little luck to do that. This game might seem just like another old clone, but it is truly a lot of fun and very addictive. This is a game to keep on your calculator for sure. My high score is 2874, with a couple of dots left on Level 8.
Author Ben Ilegbodu (benahimvp@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Chasing, Dodging)
File Size 3,473 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 31 05:58:28 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



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