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TI-TiltMaze v1.21


Ranked as 48 on our all-time top downloads list with 116756 downloads.
Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 453 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.70.

Filename tiltmaze.zip (Download)
Title TI-TiltMaze v1.21
Description TI-TiltMaze is a simple tilt maze puzzle for the TI89/TI92p/V200 with 2 balls and 41 different levels. By using the cursor key you can tilt the board in that direction. A level is solved when both balls cover both destination fields [NOSTUB file/complete source included] v1.21 is compiled with TIGCC 0.95 Beta 12, adding optimizations and TI-89 Titanium compatibility.
Authors Marcos Lopez (marcos.lopez@wol.es)
Thomas Nussbaumer (thomas.nussbaumer@gmx.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 87,294 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 18 17:14:50 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Vladik Kontsevoi
Reviewed on 2004-06-05
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“TI-TiltMaze” is a great combination of skill and trial! I can easily solve any level, but I play it again and again. It is extremely easy to operate, and it is a very original program. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking for something to do during their spare time. I would like to see more levels, and perhaps, external level packs.

Replay Value-10/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
tiltmaze/.owner   16
tiltmaze/bin89/CVS/Repository   16
tiltmaze/bin89/CVS/Root   27
tiltmaze/bin89/tiltmaze.89z   7495
tiltmaze/bin92p/CVS/Repository   17
tiltmaze/bin92p/CVS/Root   27
tiltmaze/bin92p/tiltmaze.9xz   7571
tiltmaze/CVS/Entries   130
tiltmaze/CVS/Entries.Extra   63
tiltmaze/CVS/Repository   10
tiltmaze/CVS/Root   27
tiltmaze/readme.txt   5583
tiltmaze/src/build.bat   279
tiltmaze/src/CVS/Entries   242
tiltmaze/src/CVS/Entries.Extra   81
tiltmaze/src/CVS/Repository   14
tiltmaze/src/CVS/Root   27
tiltmaze/src/extgraph.a   315380
tiltmaze/src/extgraph.h   109561
tiltmaze/src/gfx/ball.bmp   110
tiltmaze/src/gfx/CVS/Entries   204
tiltmaze/src/gfx/CVS/Repository   18
tiltmaze/src/gfx/CVS/Root   27
tiltmaze/src/gfx/destination.bmp   110
tiltmaze/src/gfx/mask.bmp   110
tiltmaze/src/gfx/tiles.bmp   574
tiltmaze/src/levels.c   3668
tiltmaze/src/logo.c   7977
tiltmaze/src/tiles.c   2309
tiltmaze/src/tiltmaze.c   19828
tiltmaze/src/tiltmaze.h   1481
tiltmaze/src/tiltmaze89.tpr   1367
tiltmaze/src/tiltmaze92PV200.tpr   1367
tiltmaze/tiltmaze.gif   1011

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