The 86-BASIC Library v1.0
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Archive Contents
readme.txt | 19208 |
FNZPDF.86P | 139 |
FNZCDF.86P | 252 |
FNTRINUM.86P | 93 |
FNTELTYP.86P | 197 |
FNSTRNUM.86P | 109 |
FNSTRLST.86P | 587 |
FNSTRCMP.86P | 431 |
FNSTKCLR.86P | 85 |
FNSTDDEV.86P | 182 |
FNSRSIMP.86P | 187 |
FNSPACES.86P | 110 |
FNSIGN.86P | 95 |
FNSHUFFL.86P | 222 |
FNSETWIN.86P | 250 |
FNSEC.86P | 90 |
FNROUND.86P | 109 |
FNREV.86P | 175 |
FNREDI.86P | 94 |
FNRED1.86P | 92 |
FNRAND.86P | 131 |
FNQSOLVE.86P | 136 |
FNPUSH.86P | 99 |
FNPRIME.86P | 198 |
FNPOP.86P | 122 |
FNPOIPDF.86P | 111 |
FNPOICDF.86P | 154 |
FNPDER.86P | 181 |
FNNUMSTR.86P | 491 |
FNMEAN.86P | 99 |
FNLTRGRD.86P | 140 |
FNLSTSTR.86P | 434 |
FNLPUSH.86P | 174 |
FNLPOP.86P | 229 |
FNLCM.86P | 157 |
FNISTRI.86P | 169 |
FNISLEAP.86P | 141 |
FNISDIV.86P | 102 |
FNINTSTR.86P | 336 |
FNINTER2.86P | 239 |
FNINSTR.86P | 272 |
FNHMEAN.86P | 102 |
FNGMEAN.86P | 103 |
FNGETWIN.86P | 111 |
FNGETKEY.86P | 107 |
FNGEOCDF.86P | 100 |
FNGCD.86P | 157 |
FNFIBO.86P | 173 |
FNFACTOR.86P | 312 |
FNDIST.86P | 116 |
FNDISCR.86P | 102 |
FNDICE.86P | 124 |
FNDELAY.86P | 112 |
FNGEOPDF.86P | 118 |
FNDWKSTR.86P | 258 |
FNDAYWK.86P | 426 |
FNDATEST.86P | 362 |
FNCSC.86P | 90 |
FNCOT.86P | 98 |
FNCIS.86P | 108 |
FNCHISQ2.86P | 624 |
FNCHISQ1.86P | 127 |
FNCEIL.86P | 91 |
FNBINPDF.86P | 139 |
FNBINCDF.86P | 182 |
FNATRI.86P | 134 |
FNASEC.86P | 92 |
FNACSC.86P | 92 |
FNACOT.86P | 92 |
FNZSCORE.86P | 102 |