Phoenix 4.4
Ranked as 273 on our all-time top downloads list with 37775 downloads. Ranked as 4239 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads. Ranked as 406 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.85.
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Phoenix 4.4
Phoenix is an advanced shoot-em-up game for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators. This game has very smooth gameplay (over 30 frames per second) with many objects onscreen. Its features include many different types of enemies, many different levels, the ability to buy additional items, five possible weapons for your ship, game saving, a high score table, multiple difficulty levels, and multiple speeds, and external levels. The game only takes about 9K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code, and may be copied or modified without any restrictions.
Patrick Davidson (
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
88,540 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Mar 1 02:37:06 2021
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Thomas Williamson
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
Ever refined a game until it is practically the best possible game of that genre? That's what Patrick Davidson did with Phoenix. Most would agree that their particular calculator's version of Phoenix is one of the best games for their calculator and has permanent residency in its memory.
Though very repetitive, the game, like Halo, is hard to get tired of. Speed, well designed "waves" and enemies, and multiple types of weapons make every second worthwhile, especially when you greedily begin to snatch up the dollar signs :)
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Archive Contents
build.bat | 82 |
build73.bat | 184 |
build82.bat | 135 |
build83.bat | 139 |
build85.bat | 156 |
build86.bat | 158 |
buildmir.bat | 143 |
bullets.asm | 5585 |
collide.asm | 2159 |
data.asm | 975 |
disp12.asm | 6325 |
disp16.asm | 7983 |
drwspr.asm | 9756 |
ebullets.asm | 6801 |
emove.asm | 13640 |
enemies.asm | 4201 |
enemyhit.asm | 9179 |
eshoot.asm | 9609 |
exchange.asm | 1310 |
extlev12.asm | 7746 |
extlev16.asm | 2876 |
helper.asm | 3410 |
hityou.asm | 3739 |
images.asm | 13576 |
info.asm | 5316 |
init.asm | 5800 |
internal.txt | 9772 |
keys.i | 699 |
levels.asm | 13070 |
levels.txt | 22481 |
lib.asm | 2463 |
lib12.asm | 2708 |
lib16.asm | 2457 |
main12.asm | 4822 |
main16.asm | 3941 |
main73.asm | 2282 |
main82.asm | 2272 |
main83.asm | 2285 |
main85.asm | 3084 |
main86.asm | 7320 |
main8x.asm | 2231 |
mainmir.asm | 2873 |
phoenix.86p | 8403 |
phoenixz.i | 4952 |
phoenixz.txt | 25923 |
player12.asm | 3762 |
player16.asm | 4116 |
score12.asm | 8358 |
score16.asm | 7149 |
shoot.asm | 3770 |
shop12.asm | 6334 |
shop16.asm | 5250 |
title12.asm | 8947 |
title16.asm | 9100 |
vars.asm | 3711 |