Yoshi's Cookie (update)
Ranked as 9349 on our all-time top downloads list with 4991 downloads. Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Benjamin Stauffer
Reviewed on
Attention span: 10/10 This'll keep your attention. Controls: 9/10 Easy, once you get the hang of it. Implementation: 10/10 Great remake, well implemented. Overall: 10/10 Great game, recommended to anyone.
Yoshi's Cookie was a fun puzzle game for the NES, Super NES, and Gameboy systems. It starred the loveable dinosaur Yoshi and challanged the player to match rows of "cookies" by shifting them around. And now, thanks to TCPA, Yoshi's Cookie is available for your TI-83 (with ION).
In Yoshi's Cookie, you are given a set of cookies. Your job is to shift the rows and columns (by holding 2nd and pressing the up, down, left, or right arrow) to make all of the cookies in a given row or column match. When you succeed, the matching row or column is eliminated from the field, and the remaining cookies move as far towards the lower-left corner as possible. Once you've eliminated all the cookies in the level, you advance to the next one.
Yoshi's Cookie 83 has two modes: Action mode and Puzzle mode. In action mode, there is a timer on the right side of the screen. When it gets to the bottom of the screen, a new row and column will be added to your set. The game ends when your current set of cookies extends beyond the borders of the field (in other words, you have 8 rows or 8 columns on the screen when the timer reaches the bottom).
In puzzle mode, there is no timer. Instead, you are given a set of cookies and a limited number of moves in which you must make all the cookies disappear. If you succed, you go to the next level. If you fail, you'll have to restart the level. Each level has a password for you to write down if you want to go back to it without playing all the previous levels over again.
I liked Yoshi's Cookie for the NES, and I felt that this was a very good remake of it. Yoshi makes no appearance, but other than that and the lack of a save feature, I have no real complaint. The puzzles in puzzle mode are challanging. The graphics are well-done and fit the game well. The controls are good. This is definately a game you'll play more than once. I'd recommend it to anyone. |
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Archive Contents
cookion.8xp | 4695 |
COOKION.83P | 4693 |
Cookie.txt | 4936 |