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TI-86 Development Utilites for Linux


Ranked as 4475 on our all-time top downloads list with 7493 downloads.
Ranked as 2807 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename ti86dev.tar.gz (Download)
Title TI-86 Development Utilites for Linux
Description A set of files needed to assemble programs in the Linux operating system.
Author Laine Walker-Avina (LaineW@technologist.com)
Category Unix Utilities
File Size 1,829,057 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 20 18:13:25 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  James Rubingh
Reviewed on 2006-04-30
This is a very interesting package supposedly allowing users to compile TI-86 programs on Linux. I downloaded it for the include files, most of which are from the ACZ or files the ACZ got from Pat Milheron. The tasm executable in this tarball is "tasm: Linux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC)" so it doesn't run on my linux desktop (ppc64). When it says "86 dev for linux" it should probably say “86 dev for x86/linux”. Other executables in the file have the source code included.

In short, this is a good package for now. The included ASM header files are great for 86 developers; there is a file included that will create program files you can send to the calculator, and even includes a bash script for ease of use.


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   0 2000-07-17 14:44 ti86dev/
 14453 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/tasm80.tab
 61164 1998-02-28 20:12 ti86dev/tasm
   190 2000-07-17 14:43 ti86dev/assemble
  2000 1998-02-28 20:11 ti86dev/tasm-readme.txt
   774 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Old86.h
 26784 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Ram86.h
 19657 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Rom86.h
   666 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Ti86.inc
   670 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Ti86asm.inc
  3789 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/asm86.h
 10290 1998-02-28 20:11 ti86dev/tasm-relnotes.txt
 925216 2000-01-29 02:43 ti86dev/prgm86lin
   2747 2000-01-29 02:37 ti86dev/prgm86lin.c
   4585 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/getKey.inc
  26193 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Ram86.inc
    620 2000-07-17 14:42 ti86dev/README
   2994 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/ti86abs.inc
  13101 2000-07-17 14:25 ti86dev/ti86asm.inc
   2397 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/ti86math.inc
   2676 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/ti86ops.inc
   1536 2000-07-17 14:19 ti86dev/Ti86und.inc
  85133 2000-07-17 14:44 ti86dev/tofrodos-1.4.tar.gz
 1410299 2000-07-17 14:44 ti86dev/aout-libs-1.4-9.i386.rpm

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