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Mario Levels


Ranked as 12525 on our all-time top downloads list with 4103 downloads.
Ranked as 3426 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename difficultlevels.zip (Download)
Title Mario Levels
Description Extremely Difficult Mario Levels, For experts only. All of these levels are tested and known to be possible.
Author Scott Potter (Spotter248@aol.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Game Levels (Super Mario)
File Size 5,610 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 1 20:41:20 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Clair Hargis
Reviewed on 2004-05-15
These levels are so differently crafted that I have to describe each one of them individually. In no particular order here they are:

Title: RIGHT!
Difficulty: Bring 'em on! ¾
Times I died: 32
Levels: 5
Fun: 6/10
Rating: 5/10

These levels are all rather short and all seem to be based around the same concept of having two stomping blocks placed directly next to each other while Mario has no health. It does take some talent to get by them without dying, however basing almost the entire world on that one concept seemed a little boring. It did make it difficult to beat, but it was repetitive and rather boring and seemed to be the only difficult part of the world. The other areas were in comparison easy yet more fun. The author uses a lot of obstacles that you have to be very precise in executing to get by. My advice in attempting this world is to be very careful and take your time.

Title: Pray
Difficulty: Bring ‘em on! ¾
Times I died: 56
Levels: 6
Fun: 4/10
Rating: 5/10

This level just had a lot more of the “double-stompers” that I described before. They do not make the level fun! It is a downright pain to get by them when there are multiple sets of two in a row as well. The author does a great job making sure you don't get any more health that is given to you in the first level and gives you plenty of lives that you don't end up needing. As well as the stompers, there are also several areas with lots of bullets and fireball plants. I didn't necessarily like it despite that fact that there was actually a challenge in this world.

Difficulty: I am death incarnate! 4/4
Times I died: ~200 :-)
Levels: ?
Fun: 5/10
Rating: 8/10

Despite the fact that this world is not very fun, it cannot dispute the fact that it is very well created and once again, the author put much time and thought into it. Precision is key. All these worlds have a lot of the same characteristics that he uses over and over again to make the world difficult, but what amazes me about this world is how he makes time a factor. There is so much timing that to ignore it would be a mistake. The best way to beat this world is by memorization and memorization alone. There is so much detail, it is more of a chronology of events, and you just have to remember their order so you can be prepared for the next series. While writing this review, I did not beat this world, however, I have before and I remember it well. This is the hardest Mario world there is. Trust me, I have tired and beaten them all. Thus world will take any average Joe around two weeks to beat, I guarantee it!

Difficulty: I am death incarnate! 4/4
Times I died: ~150
Levels: ?
Fun: 1/10
Rating: 6/10

This world is one you learn to just hate, but for some strange reason, you just have this urge to beat it, thus you play it and play it an play it. All in all, I just hate this level because it is so hard. However, the first time I beat it I wrote down the ending (for proof) and deleted it off my calculator and never expected to see it again. If you are a perfectionist you might do the same thing. I much more expect you to just delete this world about one minute after you start playing it. This world has much of the same style as the rest of the “Scott's worlds”


Title: BOO YAH
Difficulty: I am death incarnate! 4/4
Times I died: ~300 :-)
Levels: ?
Fun: 7/10
Rating: 9/10

I can definitely tell that the author put a lot of time and thought into this level. You have to be perfect to beat this world, and I mean perfect! There is no room for error, and I am not joking. These levels are intense. The scenery is not good, but that’s because the author put all his creativity into making this one of the top five hardest Mario levels ever made. There are times when you will want to quit this level, but at the beginning of almost every level, there is an extra life that you have no choice of getting, so you don't exactly die and quit the program, you always have enough lives. It is not about beating the level as it is about beating the world, and if you do beat this, I envy you as a gamer. As I sit here right now, I did not beat this world, but I have before and to prove it to the author, the ending message starts with: "I DON'T BELIEVE IT, CODE IS:" If you want a serious challenge because you think you are all that as “Super Mario,” then download this now and after you go crying back to your mommy, come to me and I'll give you a few pointers! Congrats to the author; I can see you take pride in this level!


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MarioLevels.txt   822

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