TxtView v1.53
Ranked as 2807 on our all-time top downloads list with 9363 downloads. Ranked as 3426 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Review by
John Wyrwas
Reviewed on
Suitability: 6/10 Can't edit text files on calc. Ease-Of-Use: 6/10 Some shortcut keys are obscure. Overall: 6/10 Good for storing large notes.
TxtView does exactly what it implies, you can view text files on your calculator. TxtView includes a small dos program that converts computer text files into 83 format. After using the graph link to send them, the viewer lists all the files on your 83 and allows the user to open one. The font size and word wrap options toggle while viewing and the file scrolls in every direction. The user should read the help file to discover which keys are used to change display.
I was disappointed that the files could not be editted on the calculator which limits the program's uses. However, large note files (for "studying") can be typed in on your computer then sent to the calculator, keeping format and layout, but there is no compression. This program is not at all useful if the user does not personally own a graph link. |
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Archive Contents
DOSfont.inc | 14760 |
4x6font.inc | 14758 |
CalcText.exe | 16560 |
CalcText.c.txt | 5990 |
TxtView.83p | 2348 |
ASCII.82P | 631 |
TxtView.8xp | 2350 |
README.82P | 13970 |
TxtView.asm.txt | 14405 |