zPong v2.05
Ranked as 1791 on our all-time top downloads list with 11972 downloads. Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
Erich Oelschlegel
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 Can get repetitive after a while. Controls: 10/10 Great for single and two player. Implementation: 10/10 Well designed, ball is a nice size. Overall: 10/10 Great game overall.
ZPong is one of my favorite games. From playing head-to-head with a friend on his TI-85 to playing head-to-head through the link port, it is chock full of features. For one, the ball is huge; you can't miss it. There is a training round, with 15 different difficulties (all speed based), as well as an options menu. The downside to playing fast-paced games like this one is the need to adjust the contrast settings on the calculator in order to see the ball as it races across the screen. The training session is simple; basically, you play against yourself. Also, head-to-head battles on the same calculator are easy due to the easy button layout. Just turn the calculator on its side and use the appropriate buttons.
As both a player of the original (alpha) and version 2.01, I have noticed many differences. First of all, the support for sound is a nice addition, if you have the link adapter. Secondly, if you noticed in the alpha version, the AI was impossible to beat. This has been changed in the design of v2.01. It is no longer the equivalent of a training session with points; now there is actually a way to beat the AI now.
All this makes for a great game, both for beginners and for experts. |
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