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StuntCopter 86 y2k


Ranked as 2597 on our all-time top downloads list with 9701 downloads.
Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename scopter.zip (Download)
Title StuntCopter 86 y2k
Description StuntCopter 86 is a port of the program of the same name run on the old 68k macs.
Author Justin TerAvest (base_16@geocities.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 5,355 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 5 01:37:52 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 2/10 Read above, too much to put here.
Controls: 2/10 Read above.
Implementation: 2/10 Slow, fast, slow again...riiiiight.
Overall: 2/10 Probably deleted after first try.

This one takes the cake in bad playability. Here is StuntCopter, for the TI86.

Now, there are two things I enjoy in a game like this, where timing decides if you win or lose.

The first one is in an interesting plot...drop a guy from a helicopter to a horse carriage...weird plot but I'll buy it...

The second is being able to actually time how the character will fall...This game has a major "fly-in-the-soup" thing going on here. The game moves fairly slow...until, of course, you drop your man, then it doubles its speed the moment you press second. Then it slows down again, and even more so if you actually start moving the helicopter.

This game shouldn't be on your calculator on for long unless some major improvement goes on here.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
scopter.86p   978
scopter.asm   11793
scopter.txt   1415

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