[AMS v2.0x] Falldown v0.1
Ranked as 2074 on our all-time top downloads list with 10990 downloads. Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Review by
Matt Peresie
Reviewed on
Attention span: 8/10 Can get repetitive. Controls: 9/10 Excellent handle. Implementation: 9/10 Good version of a great game. Overall: 9/10 This is definitely a keeper.
When asked what type of game Falldown is, I was hard-pressed for an answer at first. The first answer that comes to mind would be to call it a action game because of its fast paced action. But at second thought it is also sort of a puzzle game. So that leaves me with calling it a action-puzzle game. You may have seen Falldown for some of the other calculators but I believe that this version of Falldown is probably the best available.
In case you have not played Falldown before, the concept is rather simple. You are a little ball and you try to weave back and forth between blocks while falling down. It sounds like it would be rather easy but after you have tried it you will not think the same. Falldown features five different speed modes ranging from Easy to Hard. Once you put the games on hard, you will have quite some trouble achieving a high score. Falldown also saves the top 5 scores for each level so you can track your performance.
Falldown is a unique game but simple at the same time. I recommend it to anybody looking for a nice fast paced game. |
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Archive Contents
FALLDOWN.89Z | 4481 |