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[AMS v2.0x] Tetris 89 v0.71 w/libraries


Ranked as 578 on our all-time top downloads list with 23855 downloads.
Ranked as 5065 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename tetris89_20x.zip (Download)
Title [AMS v2.0x] Tetris 89 v0.71 w/libraries
Description AMS v2.0x compatible tetris with kernel libraries.
Authors Jimmy MÃ¥rdell (yarin@acc.umu.se)
Joel Jordan (porter) (scriber@usa.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 6,065 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 12 04:53:01 1999
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Matt Peresie
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 10/10 Can entertain you for hours.
Controls: 10/10 Could not possibly be better.
Implementation: 10/10 Good design excellent layout.
Overall: 10/10 Pretty much perfect game.

What can you possibly say about one of the greatest video games of all time? Tetris is definitely all that and a bag of chips. Tetris89 is one of the better Tetris clones available on the market. This specific version has included support for AMS version 2.03, which is a huge added bonus for people wishing to have the newest AMS versions of their calculators and still use games.

It is hard to say much bad about Tetris89. Users will first notice that the game features grayscale which is a nice added bonus to any game. With grayscale sometimes the game becomes lagged, but Tetris has no lag whatsoever. As what you might expect, it has the same starting options as other Tetris games. You can choose the speed at which your pieces drop (1-9), and you can also start with some "trash" lines. Another added bonus with Tetris89 is the 2-player link play option. You and a friend can link your TI-89s and play each other.

Tetris89 is definitely one of the best 89 games on the market and it you don't have it you should download it immediately.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
util.89z   1615
launch.89z   285
gray4lib.89z   441
Tetris.89z   6719

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