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Aurora 0.86


Ranked as 2834 on our all-time top downloads list with 9311 downloads.
Ranked as 9905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename aurora.zip (Download)
Title Aurora 0.86
Author Bill Nagel (b.nagel@usa.net)
Category TI-86 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 6,773 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 20 17:58:40 1997
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Kirk Meyer
Reviewed on 2004-11-02
Suitability: 6/10 A better implementation would be in order.
Ease-Of-Use: 5/10 The mouse needs improvement, and you can't use the EXIT key.
Overall: 5/10 Who needs Windows for the calculator anyway?

This is a GUI that is intended to be similar to Windows 95. It allows the user to use any TI-86 picture as their background picture and includes a password feature for shutdown. The style does indeed resemble Windows 95, with a taskbar at the bottom and icons on the "desktop". There is a mouse of sorts which you control with the arrow keys. In order for a program to appear in Aurora, it must be specifically designed for it and include progXXXX and iconXXXX programs in a group file. Not only does this make most programs invisible to Aurora, but it clutters up the program menu. Only a small amount of the program name can be seen underneath the icon and thus it could be hard to know what program you are selecting. The mouse is far from perfect, and the use of glidepoint routines would greatly improve it. Finally, you cannot exit by pressing EXIT; you must either choose "TI-OS" from the menu or press F5.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Aurora.txt   3274
AURORA.86G   8472

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